Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The City This Week

I have been meaning to write about my experiences of the floods in Mumbai for a while but after I heard and read what some have had to go through and what others are still going through, I figured my plight wasn't really a plight at all. So let's forget about that.
Some of my colleagues and friends have some interesting stories, though... ones they would ideally like to forget. My guess is that won't be easy. Given the fact that they have seen dead bodies float past, people die in a car in front of them and tourists being heckled and led towards danger, it'll take a lot for them to get over this.
One observation I do have about this weeklong nightmare (that still continues for some) is that there were no reports of abuse... no women were raped, no shops looted, no burglaries... yes some government officials were roughed up but they deserved it!
I hope the 'facts' I mention are true and if not, please let me know. It does make me proud to know that the city really came together and helped. But I think it's time we moved past the 'Spirit of Mumbai' jingoism. Enough. The worst is past (so we are told) and it's time to start rebuilding. Pronto.
How about we start with asking Delhi for some of our own money back? Rs 500 crore out of the Rs 58,000 crore in taxes paid by Mumbai last year? When the estimated losses are at Rs 15,000 crore, I say cough up at least that and then some more for repairs and then some more for improving the infrsatructure. Let the Delhiites pay for their Metro and infrastructure from their own pockets. For once.
I have nothing against Delhi or its improvements (!) but think that Mumbai deserves to get a third of its tax share back to improve the infrstructure and systems.
Oh, and Mr Deshmukh, how about a trip around the state? Flood threats (in addition to existing floods) are high in many parts. Ms Prabha Rau (at 70-plus years of age) has already had one. Or is the varsha season better sitting in 'Varsha'?

The reason there's no photo with this post, is the photos are just too graphic and disturbing.Call me weak, but I don't want to see them for a while again.

posted by Scribbler @ 2:53 am

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