Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sue This!

I think this post is jinxed. My computer has crashed thrice and each time I was about to hit 'Publish'! Never mind!

The point I try to make is bloggers are increasingly being tracked and
even sued in some cases because of their outspokenness. This, in no case, though, should compromise the very nature of blogging and freedom of speech must be upheld. SOunds a bit like a speech at Azad Maidan, but bear with me. There is a point at the end of this!

About two months ago, a
blogger was sued by a company not because he said something but because a visitor left a comment on his blog that was against their interests. Wow.

There's something to be learned for
Rashmi Bansal and Gaurav Sabnis regarding their IIPM fracas from this... maybe they could sue all those nasty comment(er)s (which I am sure have originated from one of the IIPM edifices) and in a way get some of their back. At the end of the day, what they have said is in the larger interest of the students (current IIPM students excluded).

But it is not surprising that there has been so much of spam comments hitting the fan (or their blogs) because Mr A Chaudhari (aka Mr Ponytail) has a lot to lose. But, for someone who doesn't think before claiming that his institute is better than the IIMs and that he is a management guru (I am Dr Spock!), he sure has taken this expose rather badly.

Interestingly, there was also a
ruling by a US court where it said that anonymous bloggers may not be sued for their views. Time to go underground, maybe? Nah! Some reactions about the court ruling are here as well.

Good job, guys.

posted by Scribbler @ 6:18 am

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