Traffic's a bitch
It's official: I HATE AUTO RICKSHAWS.All this while, I had nurtured a silent hatred for these 'machchars' that infest out cities but today, I got a taste of thier careless and callous attitude. In the bargain, my new three-month-old car was damaged and it will cost Rs 12,000 to set it right. Thank god there's insurance.
It was one of those typical lane-changing manouevres by the machchar and the next thing you know, there's a mini pile-up at Chembur, Mumbai. An Esteem and a Jeep were also at the receiving end and the machchar got away with just a cracked tail-lamp.
I think it's time to put my long-debated plan into action. Buy a huge truck, modify it with earth-flattening devices and run all of these a**h**** over.
This is a bad day and one I would dearly like to forget soon. My baby is hurt bad and I need to get back to nursing her.
posted by Scribbler @ 4:44 am
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