Friday, October 14, 2005

Double Standards

Finally, the team for India's next two series (v Sri Lanka and South Africa) has been announced and the selection leaves a slightly bitter taste in the mouth to say the least.Why? Because Tendulkar made the cut. Before you screm Bloody Murder, consider this:

In the recently concluded NKP Salve Challenger Series that was meant to display the talent available, Tendulkar barely made a mark (I wonder where Chappell gets this from). VVS Laxman, on the other hand, shone bright and scored rather well. The argument presented by Kiran More is that the "focus is on the youngsters". In that case, why is Agarkar in the team?

Coming back to Tendulkar, he hardly moved the scorers and if experience is the argument here, Laxman has it too. Plus, he's in form and not returning from injury either.

Let's get one thing straight here. I am not against Tendulkar. He is a class act and deserves to be in the team as long as he wants to be. But if certain arguments are being presented for one player, they should apply to all.

I say bring in Laxman even if it is at the cost of Tendulkar. Call me crazy, but it's a question of using the same yardstick for all players. Else, don't give us this bulls*** about experience and form and age.

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posted by Scribbler @ 7:10 am

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